What we offer

  • Enables a person to experience the spiritual gains from auditing.

    This is done through a wide range of processes to increase abilities and resolve causes of unhappiness, leading to an awareness of truth and the way to personal freedom.

    Here one will also learn about the e-meter.

    E-Meter is a shortened term for electropsychometer. It is a religious artifact used as a spiritual guide in auditing.

    It is for use only by a Scientology minister or a Scientology minister-in-training to help one locate and confront areas of spiritual upset.

    For more information, please click here!

  • Starts a person towards Clear, a state of being in Dianetics where one is no longer under the influence of ones reactive mind.

    L. Ron Hubbard discovered that the mind has two very distinct parts. One of these—the part that you consciously use and are aware of—is called the analytical mind. This is the portion of the mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems. It has standard memory banks which contain mental image pictures and uses the data in these banks to make decisions that promote survival.

    However, two things appear to be—but are not—recorded in the standard banks: painful emotion and physical pain. In moments of intense pain, the action of the analytical mind is suspended and the second part of the mind, the reactive mind, takes over.

    When a person is fully conscious, his analytical mind is fully in command. When the individual is “unconscious” in full or in part, the reactive mind cuts in, in full or in part. “Unconsciousness” could be caused by the shock of an accident, anesthetic used for an operation, the pain of an injury or the deliriums of illness.

    When a person is “unconscious,” the reactive mind exactly records all the perceptions of that incident, including what happens or is said around the person. It also records all pain and stores this mental image picture in its own banks where it is unavailable to the individual’s conscious recall and not under his direct control. Though it may appear that a person who is knocked out in an accident is unconscious and unaware of happenings around him, his reactive mind is actually industriously recording everything for future use.

    For more information, please click here!

  • Enables a person to continue to co-audit (cooperative auditing) with another under the supervision of a Dianetics expert until fully satisfied with their gains.

    For more information, please click here!

  • Provides complete understanding of the sequential path of discovery concerning the mind, spirit and life as contained in Dianetics and Scientology.

    This is accomplished through course room study of companion courses for each L. Ron Hubbard book and lecture series

    For more information, please click here!

  • Gives the person the ability to communicate more effectively through an understanding of the components of the subject and a mastery of 18 exact skills to guide and control communication for social, business and other purposes.

    For more information, please click here!

  • Enables a person to improve certain aspects of his or her life by providing practical knowledge and tools to apply in areas such as relationships, marriage, parenting, personal integrity, confidence, leadership, finance and others.

    For more information, please click here!

  • Introduces a person to fundamental of Scientology principles from the book Problems of Work and demonstrates how each is a practical tools to improve conditions in the workaday world and resolve situations that commonly arise in life.

    For more information, please click here!