Choose an Optimal Solution
A dynamic is an urge, a drive or motivation; in this case an urge toward existence, which in its highest form is success, fulfillment, happiness. In Scientology, there are eight arbitrary compartments of life in which these dynamics are expressed. These are the eight dynamics as shown in this video or as presented in Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought.
In Scientology: A New Slant on Life, Hubbard defines an optimal solution as one which “brought the greatest benefits to the greatest number of dynamics” in other words “that which leads to increased survival on the majority of the dynamics.” It is the rational solution.
You can use this information by looking at any choice you have to make through the perspective of your dynamics. For instance, you have a family with children in school, you have good friends that you play soccer with, and you are active in church. Your employer offers you a job in another State, which is an advancement in position and pay. Whether you take the job or not depends on its impacts, how it affects survival, on each of the dynamics.
Taking the job could have positive impact on your first dynamic because you would be more challenged and feel more accomplishment. It would also have a positive impact on your third dynamic related to work, but it would have a negative impact on the third dynamic of your soccer club and friends. Initially, at least, it could have a negative impact on your second dynamic because you would be uprooting your children from their schools and friends. And, unless you can find a church that you and your family like in in the new town, it could have an impact on your seventh dynamic.
You can do this graphically with arrows or by assigning numbers to each dynamic as shown here for the above example.
So, with what was assessed so far, as shown above, it looks like the best option would be to stay. If the decision is to move, regardless, then you would need to look at those dynamics that suffered and find ways to improve the benefit to, or survival of, them.
Although we’ve only covered a few of the dynamics in the above example, you should, objectively as possible, look at every dynamic in your life, and the different parts of each dynamic—spouse and children, each different group you are part of, and so on—to arrive at the optimal solution.