Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
$25 for the seminar and the book. Free if you have the book.
Improve your life, be happier and calmer.
Join us for a quick workshop where we'll teach you how to process yourself. In as little as half an hour a day for two weeks, an individual can markedly raise their emotional tone and can pull out of almost anything that's holding them down.
"After starting self-analysis, I noticed I feel a lot better …I have been making much better decisions…I haven’t been as angry and upset…and I have gotten lots of compliments about my attitude being much better. There has definitely been a huge difference in the way I look at life now.” L J
Date: Monday, March 24
Time: 7:00PM to 8:30PM
Location: 3444 N Country Club Rd. Suite #112, Tucson AZ 85716
Discover the true source of your fears, upsets and insecurities-and how to get rid of it. Dianetics has helped millions the world over techniques to better their lives and the lives of others.
Now, you can too. The cost is $140 including the book Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health and a how-to DVD.
Call or text 520-326-0300 to let us know you are interested.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, TBD
Time: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Location: 3444 N Country Club Rd. Suite #112, Tucson AZ 85716
Please register at least 24 hours ahead to reserve a seat.
The How to Get Motivated Workshop
To accomplish your goals, you need personal drive—and active doing. You have to overcome barriers and keep moving forward. Success requires personal motivation.
In the How to Get Motivated workshop you'll learn some tools to help you overcome personal barriers to accomplishment. You'll gain the know-how to grow your motivation.
When you know what stops you from getting going, you can increase your motivation and raise your effectiveness.
Date: TBD
Time: 4:00PM to 5:30PM
Location: 3444 N Country Club Rd. Suite #112, Tucson AZ 85716
All are welcome.
The Personal Efficiency Course
This is a presentation, with videos and discussions, of the principles in the book The Problems of Work, such as:
how to get and keep a job;
how to handle overwhelm and exhaustion;
how to start a conversation and communicate effectively; and,
how to exert good control on situations and people.
It's a fast-moving, engaging course for people who want to do better in all aspects of life, not just at work. For $50, it includes the book or DVD, The Problems of Work, a course pack and refreshments. Call 520-326-0300 to reserve a seat.
Date: TBD
Time: 1:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: 3444 N Country Club Rd. Suite #112, Tucson AZ 85716
Please register at least 24 hours ahead to reserve a seat.
Overcome Depression Naturally. Most people experience depression at some point, whether from a single incident or from multiple losses or failures. In either case, there are ways to relieve it. This seminar will go over:
How do I know if I am really depressed?
4 areas of life that cause depression.
Recognizing what is causing my depression.
Tools to be in control of life, not a victim.
If you don't need this information, you probably know someone who does. Invite them to this seminar to gain a fresh view of life without the cloud of depression.
Date: TBD
Time: 1:00PM to 3:30PM
Location: 3444 N Country Club Rd. Suite #112, Tucson AZ 85716
Free Seminar