In Scientology we call spiritual counseling: Auditing
A person trained and qualified to better individuals through auditing is called an auditor.
Auditor is defined as “one who listens,” from the Latin audire, meaning “to hear or listen.” An auditor is a minister or minister-in-training of the Church.
Auditing deletes life’s painful experiences and addresses and improves one’s ability to confront and handle the factors in his life. It provides a precise route by which individuals may travel to higher states of spiritual awareness.
There is no use of hypnosis, trance techniques or drugs during auditing. The person being audited is completely aware of everything that happens. Auditing is precise, thoroughly codified and has exact procedures.
A person receiving auditing is called a preclear—meaning “a person not yet Clear.”
A preclear is someone who, through auditing, is finding out about themselves and life. The period of time during which an auditor audits a preclear is called an auditing session. A session is conducted at an agreed-upon time established by the auditor and preclear.
There are no variables in the technology of auditing, no random results of haphazard applications. Auditing is not a period of vague free association. Each process is exact in its design and in its application and attains a definite result when correctly ministered. Scientology auditing can bring anyone from a condition of spiritual blindness to the brilliant joy of knowing.