These blogs are all written by fellow Scientologists who wish to share their gains, experiences and insights from receiving Scientology and Dianetics auditing (spiritual counseling), attending live seminars, reading books and learning from life improvement courses.
The blogs are geared not to the theoretical, but how the technologies of Scientology and Dianetics have made significant improvements in their daily lives with family, friends, business associates and people in general.
All these little ditties are voluntarily submitted and we graciously thank those who were kind enough to share.

Choose an Optimal Solution
How you can use this information, when confronted with a dilemma or choice, to make the best decision possible from the options you have.

Live Life Fully
Almost everyone is trying to do well in life but if one aspect of our lives is off, it blocks our goal. This seminar covers the eight aspects (dynamics) of each person’s life. Understanding them you can keep all of them in line, moving forward, positively.